Complife Italia

Complife Italia2025-03-27T12:55:26+01:00

Welcome to our lab:
We have italian roots and move far

Our Italian headquarters, located in Garbagnate Milanese (MI), serves as the heart of our operations.

In our labs, spread trought the italian territory, we offer a comprehensive suite of efficacy tests, safety assessments, chemical analyses, and microbiological examinations, designed to elevate your products in the competitive well-being market.

Furthermore, our R&D department is supported by full time researchers that work inside the CAAD, in Novara (Center for translational research on Autoimmune and Allergic Diseases at the University of Piedmont) and that dedicate themselves to research and an industrial doctorate for the study of new genomic tests on the cutaneous microbiota.

Our innovative and specialized labs are in Biella, S. Martino Siccomario (PV), Milano, Garbagnate Milanese, Tortona. Discover how we can support you with our tailored services.

Complife Italia S.R.L.

Address: Via Guido Rossa 1, 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI)
Phone: +390299025138

All Complife Italia locations

Complife Italia -Headquater
Address: Via Guido Rossa 1, 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI) Phone: +390299025138
Complife Italia S.R.L. - Safety & Efficacy Lab
SAFETY & EFFICACY LAB Address: Via Fratelli Signorelli 159, 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI)
Complife Italia S.R.L. - Safety & Efficacy Lab
SAFETY & EFFICACY LAB Address: Via Angelini 21, 27028 – S. Martino Siccomario (PV) Phone: +39038225504
Complife Italia S.R.L. - Offices
OFFICES Address: Via Indipendenza 11, 27100 – Pavia
Complife Italia S.R.L. - Safety & Efficacy Lab
SAFETY & EFFICACY LAB Address: Piazzale Siena 11, 20146 Milano Phone: +39038225504
Complife Italia S.R.L. - Safety & Efficacy Lab
SAFETY & EFFICACY LAB Address: Corso San Maurizio, 25 – 13900 Biella Phone: +39038225504
Complife Italia S.R.L. - Safety & Efficacy Lab
SAFETY & EFFICACY LAB Address: Corso San Maurizio, 25 – 13900 Biella Phone: +39038225504
Complife Italia S.R.L. - CAAD – Centro Ricerca Università Del Piemonte Orientale
CAAD – Centro Ricerca Università Del Piemonte Orientale Address: Corso Trieste 15/A 28100 Novara (NO) Phone: +39038225504
Complife Italia S.R.L. - Chemistry and Microbiology Lab
CHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY LAB Address: Via Guido Rossa 1, 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI) Phone: +390299025138
Complife Italia S.R.L. - Chemistry and Microbiology Lab
CHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY LAB Address: Strada comunale Savonesa 9, 15057 Tortona fraz. Rivalta Scrivia (AL)

Complife Italia S.R.L.
Safety & Efficacy Lab

Address: Via Fratelli Signorelli 159, 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI)

Complife Italia S.R.L.
Safety & Efficacy Lab

Address: Via Angelini 21, 27028 – S. Martino Siccomario (PV)

Phone: +39038225504

Complife Italia S.R.L.

Address: Via Indipendenza 11, 27100 – Pavia

Complife Italia S.R.L.
Safety & Efficacy Lab

Address: Piazzale Siena 11, 20146 Milano

Phone: +39038225504

Complife Italia S.R.L.
Safety & Efficacy Lab

Address: Corso San Maurizio, 25 – 13900 Biella

Phone: +39038225504

Complife Italia S.R.L.
CAAD – Centro Ricerca Università Del Piemonte Orientale

Address: Corso Trieste 15/A 28100 Novara (NO)

Phone: +39038225504

Complife Italia S.R.L.
Chemistry And Microbiology Lab

Address: Via Guido Rossa 1, 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI)

Phone: +390299025138

Complife Italia S.R.L.
Safety & Efficacy Lab

Address: Via Mortara 171, 44121 Ferrara (FE)

Phone: +39 0532 249307

Our Gallery Locations

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